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Start taking Responsibility

At some stage in our life, all of us are struggling with our own lives, trying to find our own truths and balance. When we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves, for our own happiness, stability, and well-being, then we enjoy everyone and everything but without becoming overly dependent, with contained expectations. The key is to live life being present and joyful, in full awareness. If you are willing to take responsibility for your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, then you can enhance your life experience significantly. Taking responsibility for yourself, you allow for love, respect, and integrity to flourish naturally. No one is responsible for how you feel or behave, you alone are responsible for yourself. When you rely on yourself to feel good, then all the choices you make for yourself, be it in the context of a person or situation, stem from a healthy and balanced sense of Self. When you value yourself enough, when stability and peace of mind become your biggest desires, then maturity, clarity, and sound decision–making will automatically follow.

  • Start a journal about your experiences and challenges of the day, and how you have overcome them. In this way, you can keep track of your progress.

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